Former Research Projects

A Graph Query Processor for Queries of Class CRPQagg

Individual Grants Programme Grant No. GR 4497/2-1 (2016-2018)

In this project, we will address these requirements in the tradition of database research by designing and developing a general query processor for graph databases. More...

Adaptive and Scalable Event Detection Techniques for Twitter Data Streams

Individual Grants Programme Grant No. GR 4497/4 (2016-2018)

In this project, we propose to address the need for adaptive and scalable event detection in Twitter in the tradition of Data Stream Management Systems (DSMS) research. More...  

BaseX - Processing and Visualizing large XML instances

BaseX is a light-weight, high-performance and scalable XML Database engine and XPath/XQuery 3.0 Processor, including full support for the W3C Update and Full Text extensions. An interactive and user-friendly GUI frontend gives you insight into your XML documents. More... 

Blended Library - Library of the Future

Caused by the proceeding digitalization, real services of many domains were projected onto digital ones. Thus, a lot of social and physical values of real environments (e.g., face-to-face contact, spatial orientation, tangible media objects) got lost due to the duality of real and virtual services. This project proposes a paradigm shift, away from building separated virtual worlds to embedding information technology into the social and physical world of a library. More...

Integration of Data Mining with Database System

Significant research efforts have been made to enable in-database data mining to take advantage of the DBMS's power of handling large volume of data. The integration of data mining algorithms with a relational Database Management System is a challenging issue. Tight coupling of data mining and database systems. More...

Dynamic Faceted Search Systems

Faceted Search Applications have emerged as a convenient interface for exploring large information spaces, especially web contents. Since the facets of interests may change due to query refinement, it appears feasible to provide a mechanism for automatic adjustment of the facets to the context. We design a generic framework for constructing dynamic faceted search systems using the XML technology and implement it in a prototype Crafts&Arts Pattern Finder. More...

DeepFS: XQuery Your Filesystem - Enhancing filesystems using semi-structured database technology

DeepFS wants to find synergies between file system and semi-structured database techniques.
While file systems provide an easy and well-understood interface to the data, they lack important and demanded features like, for example, the ability to query the data. More...

Minibase 2.0

Fonds für innovative Maßnahmen in Studium und Lehre, University of Konstanz (2015-2016)

Database management systems are large and complex software systems that consist of many modules. The goal of this project is the create a teaching framework, which will enable students to learn the principles of these systems based on understanding and extending working source code, instead of studying pseudocode and architecture diagrams in books. Ideally, students will be given the chance to develop a complete and functional database management system in the context of their education at the University of Konstanz.

Adaptive und skalierende Methoden zur Ereigniserkennung in Twitter-Datenströmen

Young Scholar Funds, University of Konstanz (2015)

This project provides seed funding for the DFG project with Grant No. GR 4497/4 and is therefore situated in the design and development of adaptive and scalable event detection methods for Twitter data stream. Specifically, this initial project focusses on the validation aspects within the context of the larger project. The goal is to collect Twitter reference data sets from which a ground truth will be established. Additionally, metrics will be designed to compare the results of existing event detection methods to the established ground truth. As a consequence, the outcomes of this project will enable us to analyze the task-based performance, i.e., the result quality, of existing event detection methods.

Minibase for Java

Teaching-Programme for Junior Professors (2014)

The goal of this project is to improve the quality of the database curriculum at the Department of Computer and Information Science of the University of Konstanz. The courses of the database curriculum are all accompanied by intensive practical exercises. In order to give students an opportunity to gather realistic implementation experience in this field, we have continued the development of an existing educational database management system (DBMS), Minibase. In contrast to the original version of Minibase, which was developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, our Minibase implementation is realized in Java. More...

Pathfinder - Full Text

This project was about the extension of a purely algebraic XQuery compiler (Pathfinder) with an infrastructure for implicit score propagation. This is used to implement a subset of XQuery—Full Text, employing the PF/Tijah index for Full Text search. More...

DELOS - a Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries

DELOS is a Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, partially funded by the European Commission's Information Society Technologies Programme (IST). The main objective of DELOS is to coordinate a joint programme of activities of the major European teams working in digital library related areas. More... 

UniVis - OLAP Empowerment for Complex Data

Comprehensive data analysis has become indispensable in a variety of environments. Standard OLAP systems, however, are too rigid for some domains such as medicine, science, or government, where analysts are confronted with complex, imprecise, incomplete, or irregular data. The aim of this research is to identify modeling requirements for supporting complex data found in real-world applications and extend the multidimensional data model accordingly. More...

Pathfinder (XQuery Compilation)

XML is the new standard to label semistructured data. It is therefore expected that new XML databases will emerge that natively support XML structured data. This new model of semi-structured data requires a new query language that supports the features of XML documents. The XQuery working group of the W3 Consortium is currently working on a proposal for such a query language, which is called “XQuery”. The new data model opens a broad range of research aspects. In the Pathfinder XQuery implementation we have addressed some of these aspects. More...

Concurrency Control in Mobile Databases

The aim of our research work in the field of mobile databases is the design, analytical analysis, and simulation of efficient concurrency control protocols for read-only transactions that satisfy various data consistency and currency requirements. Our research activity focuses on the development of weaker currency control protocols that incorporate both consistency and currency guarantees. To prevent read-only transactions from interfering with concurrent read-write transactions, our protocols exploit multi-versioning. More...

Exploiting Object Database Technologies for Data Management in the Cloud

Fellowships for Advanced Researchers Grant No. 131452 (2010-2012)

This research project addresses the fact that with the emergence of cloud computing, new data management requirements have surfaced. Currently, these challenges are studied exclusively in the setting of relational databases. We believe that there exist strong indicators that the full potential of cloud computing data management can only be leveraged by exploiting object database technologies. Object databases are a popular choice for analytical data management applications which are predicted to profit most from cloud computing. Further, objects and relationships might be useful units to model and implement data partitions, while, at the same time, helping to reduce join processing. Finally, the service-oriented view taken by cloud computing is in its nature a close match to object models. More...


The goal of persistent programming is to support the activity of application construction for long-lived, concurrently accessed and potentially large bodies of data and programs, referred to here as Persistent Applications Systems (PASs). The Pastel consortium recognises that the individual components, methods and tools that support PASs have largely been developed independently by different research communities and different kinds of IT companies. More...


This project aims at developing optimization techniques for object oriented database management systems (ODBMS). The main focus is to investigate query rewriting technique for rule based and algebraic query languages, evaluation techniques for object oriented queries, as well as the optimization of the physical design of object oriented DBMS, according to a given application.  More...

A Platform for the Development and Implementation of Web 2.0 Applications

Fellowships for Prospective Researchers Grant No. 121230 (2008-2009)

Originally intended as a platform enabling content providers to make information globally available, the World Wide Web has evolved ever since. It is the hypothesis of this project that a comprehensive platform to support the design, development and implementation of such sites is required to successfully support web engineering for Web 2.0. The project will analyse current Web 2.0 sites to compile a catalogue of requirements to data management in the context of user-generated content. More...