Dr. Andreas Weiler
Andreas studied Information Engineering at the University of Konstanz. In 2006, he received a Bachelor's Degree with a specialization in databases and information systems. He acquired a Master's Degree in Information Engineering with a focus on Computer Science in 2010. In his Master's Thesis Andreas designed and developed a client/server architecture for the open-source XML database BaseX. He joined the Database and Information Systems group as a PhD student in 2011. He received his Doctoral Degree for the dissertation entitled "Design and Evaluation of Event Detection Techniques for Social Media Data Streams in 2016. Andreas is currently an Associate Professor ("Dozent") at ZHAW School of Engineering.
Winter Semester 2015/2016
- INF-10365: Data Warehousing and OLAP (Winter 2015/16)
- INF-12930: Seminar: Advanced Database Management Technology (Winter 2015/16)
- INF-12040: Datenbanksysteme (Database Systems) (Summer 2015)
- INF-12930: Seminar: Advanced Database Management Technology (Winter 2014/15)
- INF-12040: Datenbanksysteme (Database Systems) (Summer 2014)
- INF-12930: Seminar: Advanced Database Management Technology (Winter 2013/14)
- INF-20210: Database System Architecture and Implementation (Winter 2013/14)
- INF-12750: Seminar: Social Media Analysis (Summer 2013)
- INF-10365: Data Warehousing and OLAP (Winter 2012/13)
- INF-12040: Datenbanksysteme (Database Systems) (Summer 2012)
- INF-12330: Seminar: Faceted Search Technology (Winter 2011/12)
- INF-12320: Seminar: Web Applications (Winter 2011/12)
- INF-10365: Data Warehousing and OLAP (Winter 2011/12)
- INF-11980: Advanced Database Technologies (Summer 2011)
Adaptive and Scalable Event Detection Techniques for Twitter Data Streams
In this project, we propose to address the need for adaptive and scalable event detection in Twitter in the tradition of Data Stream Management Systems (DSMS) research. [read more]
Blended Library
The project is funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Concepts will be developed to support research cooperation, and learning processes within a physical "library of the future". This is done in close collaboration with the Library of the University of Konstanz, the work group Databases and Information Systems, the Knowledge Media Research Center Tuebingen and the university library of Tuebingen. [read more]
- Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl: Survey and Experimental Analysis of Event Detection Techniques for Twitter, Oxford Computer Journal (to appear)
- Andreas Weiler, Joeran Beel, Bela Gipp, and Michael Grossniklaus: Stability Evaluation of Event Detection Techniques for Twitter, In Proceedings of IDA 2016, 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2016
- Andreas Weiler: Design and Evaluation of Event Detection Techniques for Social Media Data Streams, Dissertation, University of Konstanz, 2016
- Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl: An Evaluation of the Run-time and Task-based Performance of Event Detection Techniques for Twitter, Information Systems (to appear)
- Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl: Situation Monitoring of Urban Areas Using Social Media Data Streams, Information Systems, Vol. 57, April 2016
- Michael Grossniklaus, Marc H. Scholl, and Andreas Weiler: Towards Adaptive Event Detection Techniques for the Twitter Social Media Data Stream, IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 38, No. 4
- Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl: Evaluation Measures for Event Detection Techniques on Twitter Data Streams. In Proceedings of BICOD 2015, 30th British International Conference on Databases, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2015
- Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl: Run-time and Task-based Performance of Event Detection Techniques for Twitter. In Proceedings of CAiSE 2015, 27th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2015
- Andreas Weiler Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl: The Stor-e-Motion Visualization for Topic Evolution Tracking in Text Data Streams. In Proceedings of IVAPP 2015, 6th International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Berlin, Germany, March 2015
- Svetlana Mansmann, Nafees Ur Rehman, Andreas Weiler, and Marc H. Scholl: Discovering OLAP Dimensions in Semi-Structured Data. Information Systems, Vol. 44, August 2014
- Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, Franz Wanner, and Marc H. Scholl: The Stor-e-Motion Visualization for Topic Evolution Tracking in Social Media Streams. In Proceedings of EuroVis 2014, Eurographics Conference on Visualization, Swansea, UK, June, 2014
- Franz Wanner, Andreas Stoffel, Dominik Jäckle, Bum Kwon, Andreas Weiler, and Daniel A. Keim: State-of-the-Art Report of Visual Analysis for Event Detection in Text Data Streams. In Proceedings of EuroVis 2014, Eurographics Conference on Visualization (STAR Report), Swansea, UK, June 2014
- Robert Popovici, Andreas Weiler, and Michael Grossniklaus: On-line Clustering for Real-Time Topic Detection in Social Media Streaming Data. In Proceedings of SNOW 2014 Workshop Data Challenge, Seoul, Korea, April 2014
- Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl: Event Identification and Tracking in Social Media Streaming Data. In Proceedings of MSDM 2014, EDBT Workshop on Multimodal Social Data Management, Athens, Greece, March 2014
- Andreas Weiler, Michael Grossniklaus, and Marc H. Scholl: SiCi Explorer: Situation Monitoring of Cities in Social Media Streaming Data. In Proceedings of MUD 2014, EDBT Workshop on Mining Urban Data (Short Paper), Athens, Greece, March 2014
- Simon Butscher, Jens Müller, Andreas Weiler, Roman Rädle, Harald Reiterer, and Marc H. Scholl: Multi-user Twitter Analysis for Crisis Room Environments Collaborative Human-Computer Interaction with Big Wall Displays. In Proceedings of BigWallHCI 2013, 3rd JRC ECML Crisis Management Technology Workshop on Human-Computer Interaction with Big Wall Displays for Situation Monitoring and Reporting in Crisis Management Centres, Ispra, Italy, April 2013
- Andreas Weiler, Marc H. Scholl, Franz Wanner, and Christian Rohrdantz: Event Identification for Local Areas Using Social Media Streaming Data. In DBSocial 2013, SIGMOD Workshop on Databases and Social Networks, New York, NY, USA, June 2013
- Nafees Ur Rehman, Andreas Weiler, and Marc H. Scholl: OLAPing Social Media: The Case of Twitter. In Proceedings of ASONAM 2013, International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Niagara, ON, Canada, August 2013
- Franz Wanner, Andreas Weiler, and Tobias Schreck: Topic Tracker: Shape-based Visualization for Trend and Sentiment Tracking in Twitter. In TextVis 2012, 2nd Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics – Task-Driven Analysis of Social Media (Part of VisWeek 2012), October 2012
- Milos Krstajic, Christian Rohrdantz, Michael Hund, and Andreas Weiler: Getting There First: Real-time Detection of Real-world Incidents in Twitter. In TextVis 2012, 2nd Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics – Task-Driven Analysis of Social Media (Part of VisWeek 2012), October 2012
- Nafees Ur Rehman, Svetlana Mansmann, Andreas Weiler, and Marc H. Scholl: Building a Data Warehouse for Twitter Stream Exploration. In Proceedings of ASONAM 2012, International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Istanbul, Turkey, August 2012
- Nafees Ur Rehman, Svetlana Mansmann, Andreas Weiler, and Marc H. Scholl: Discovering Dynamic Classification Hierarchies in OLAP Dimensions. In Proceedings of ISMIS 2012, 20th International Symposium on Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Macau, China, December 2012
- Andreas Weiler, Svetlana Mansmann, and Marc H. Scholl: Towards an Advanced System for Real-time Event Detection in High-volume Data Streams. In Proceedings of PIKM 2012, 5th PhD Workshop on Information and Knowledge, Maui, HI, USA, November 2012
- Svetlana Mansmann, Nafees Ur Rehman, Andreas Weiler, and Marc H. Scholl: Discovering OLAP Dimensions in Semi-structured Data. In Proceedings of DOLAP 2012, 15th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, Maui, HI, USA, November 2012
- Roman Rädle, Andreas Weiler, Stephan Huber, Hans-Christian Jetter, Svetlana Mansmann, Harald Reiterer, and Marc H. Scholl: eBook Meets Tabletop: Using Collaborative Visualization for Search and Serendipity in Online Book Repositories. In Proceedings of BooksOnline 2012, 5th Workshop on Research Advances in Large Digital Book Repositories and Complementary Media, Maui, HI, USA, November 2012
- Andreas Weiler: Client-/Server-Architecture in XML Databases. Master's Thesis, University of Konstanz, 2010
- Andreas Weiler: Design and Development of a Frontend for Visual Exploration of OLAP Data: Interactive Queries and Result Visualizations. Bachelor's Thesis, University of Konstanz, 2006