Dr. Alexander Holupirek

Post-doctoral Researcher

Areas of Interest

Alexander’s interest is located in the area of semi-structured database technologies. He is a member of the BSD-licensed Open Source BaseX XML Database Team.


Alexander studied Information and Computer Science at the University of Konstanz and acquired his PhD in 2012 with his thesis on Declarative Access to Filesystem Data. He is with the Database and Information Systems group since 2005.


2015LectureXML Technologies
2014SeminarIn the Cloud
2013LectureXML Technologies
2013SeminarWeb Applications
2012LectureXML Technologies
2012LectureSchlüsselkompetenzen der Informatik
2011LectureSchlüsselkompetenzen der Informatik
2011LectureSchlüsselkompetenzen der Informatik
2010TutorialBetriebssysteme und systemnahe Programmierung
2010LectureSystemnahe Programmierung
2009TutorialXML und Datenbanken
2009TutorialOperating Systems
2008LectureSchlüsselkompetenzen für ein nachhaltiges Studium
2008LectureSystemnahe Programmierung
2007SeminarUnix File Systems
2007LectureSchlüsselkompetenzen für ein nachhaltiges Studium
2007SeminarFrom Databases to Dataspaces
2006SeminarState of the art in file systems (Moderne Filesysteme)
2006LectureSchlüsselkompetenzen für ein nachhaltiges Studium
2005SeminarDigital Information Curation
2005TutorialXML und Datenbanken


PhD Thesis

Conferences, Workshops